Dsc 6074

Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

Student Information

Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)

To ensure successful completion, you are required to demonstrate the required levels of LLN to undertake the course you are enrolled in. Therefore, we require of you to undertake a Pre-Training LLN Review prior to commencing accredited courses. Should we identify any areas that we may need to provide additional support, we will make contact to discuss further.

If you do not meet the LLN requirement, the Educator will advise you that you have not yet at the required level to successfully complete the requirements of the course you are enrolling in and therefore either offer additional support, reasonable adjustment or suggest that you not yet undertake the training. The Educator will consult with you and may provide an appropriate referral to an external service.


In some instances, pre-reading may be required for a course, the steps are:

  • You register and are sent a Pre-Training LLN review to complete and submit by a due date
  • We confirm you have achieved the level of LLN required for the course, accept your enrolment, and email your pre-reading. If you do not meet the LLN requirement, our Educator will call you to discuss your deficiencies and may provide a referral to an external support service.
  • You undertake the pre-reading remotely and submit any required course work, or task on the first day of training.

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