Counseling Hotline


Support anywhere, anytime – Access counselling support when you need it, from wherever you are, no matter what time of day or night.

Phone and one-on-one consultations

Life can be overwhelming sometimes. You can find yourself feeling lost, sad, anxious or unable to carry on with your day-to-day – all for reasons that aren’t always easy to understand. With no referral needed, we offer trained and professional counsellors to provide you with immediate phone support, whenever you need it.

The unlimited 24-hour hotline offers confidential support, for you and your family to access help with life’s challenges including but not limited to stress, depression, grief, substance abuse and financial stress. Call the hotline and speak to a counsellor who will explain your options and the process. If you request face-to-face consultations, you will have up to 4 sessions per year.

Call Protect Counselling on 1300 725 881.


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